While hair loss is a physical condition, it also often results in a range of negative psychological responses. Throughout history, a person’s hair has been a major aspect of their individual style, fashion, and beauty.
As such, hair loss due to various reasons (e.g., alopecia, cancer treatment, hereditary conditions, and harmful hair products) can lead to low self-esteem and other image-related concerns and worries. Identifying these psychological effects is a major first step toward facing and resolving hair loss issues, to help you regain the best quality of life.
Living in Denial
Individuals facing hair loss may choose to approach the situation in denial. By doing so, they attempt to block out the negative thoughts associated with hair loss that float in their head.
Unfortunately, denial is usually not a long-term or healthy solution since there’s always a nagging thought at the back of the mind. Instead, it is crucial for sufferers to accept their hair loss issue so they can properly assess their hair loss situation and receive the most suitable treatment from trusted professionals.
Lack of Self-Confidence
Hair loss conditions could gradually reduce a person’s sense of self-confidence as they constantly fret about how others perceive their bald or balding appearance. In some cases, the crippling fear of humiliation in public spaces could result in individuals limiting interactions and isolating themselves from society.
Particularly, men suffering from hair loss may choose to ignore their feelings to preserve the societal expectation of a stoic and independent image. To some men, the act of showing concern for their hair loss may indicate vanity or weakness and should be best avoided. However, such behavior only causes further isolation and greater emotional constraints.
Compulsive Worrying
People suffering from hair loss may start to feel negative about multiple aspects of their lives. These may include dating, socializing, or searching for a job. The constant focus on their hair condition can bring long-term lifestyle limitations and many missed opportunities.
Subconscious Jealousy
People dealing with thinning hair may unknowingly desire and covet the appearance of others with healthier hair. Jealousy tendencies may worsen according to the person’s level of body dysmorphic disorder, where they feel overwhelmed by the flaw (i.e., hair loss) in their body.
Anxiety and Depression
Prolonged isolation away from society and interpersonal communication could lead to compulsive thoughts and stress buildup. When left untreated, excessive stress can significantly increase the risks of health conditions including heart disease and chronic mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.
Seeking Prompt Treatment
For anyone who identifies with any of the symptoms above, it could be time to speak to a reliable hair specialist to resolve the issue at its root. The good news is that hair loss is a highly treatable condition with swift treatment. If you’re suffering from hair loss, Custom Hair Tampa Bay can help. To schedule a free consultation, click here.
Photo Credit: geralt Via Pixabay