There are various reasons attributed to hair loss. Sometimes, it could involve products and devices intended for styling your locks. While DIY hair extensions and dyeing might seem great for achieving the ideal style without breaking the bank, they pose risks of bald patches and hair loss.
Bleach and Hair Dye
Bleach is a popular product for lightening hair color, often before applying hair dye. The bleach solution raises the outer layer of hair shafts to provide penetration of the agent. However, repeated bleaching causes permanent raising of the hair shaft, resulting in weakened strands and hair loss.
Similarly, some hair dye products contain high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide that dry the external and internal hair shaft layers, causing hair loss during the breaking down of melanin (the pigmentation that determines hair color).
A conditioner with an enhanced haircare formula keeps bleached hair well-moisturized and protected, especially products containing hydrating ingredients like argan and coconut oil. You might also consider applying a deep conditioning mask a week before bleaching treatments to add moisture and alleviate the oil-stripping process.
Curling Irons and Hair Dryers
While curling irons and hair dryers provide texture and style for your hair, they may cause heat-related hair loss. Improper handling of these tools could result in significant protein loss in your hair, causing brittle strands prone to breakage.
You can prevent and minimize heat damage to your hair by setting curler temperatures under 200 degrees Fahrenheit and keeping your hair dryers at least six inches away from your tresses. Alternatively, you can turn to professional services for peace of mind. They follow the safest practices.
Hair Extensions
There are diverse types of hair extensions that give you the volume and definition you’ve always desired. However, a poorly handled hair extension process could result in tangles, scalp irritations, and even hair loss. Repeated tugging motions or trauma to follicles may result in traction alopecia, a type of hair loss due to damaged hair shafts.
Semi-permanent extensions applied by hair professionals can minimize the risks of traction alopecia while creating fuller and more voluminous hair appearances. Similarly, clip-in extensions can help provide the look you want without causing the slightest damage and breakage to hair roots.
Learn more about proper hair care and ways you can restore your hair if you’ve already experienced hair loss by clicking here.
Photo Credit: Tumisu Via Pixabay